Personal History

This section is used to capture and maintain health habits, smoking, social and family history, travel history including the capture of pertinent postive and negative histories which are patient reported or from externally available patient clincial history.

Update Record

Personal history is another way to enter consultation on a patient. To add Personal History, Select a Patient Record >> Patient History >> Personal History. Record Helath Habits, Smoking, Travel History, Family History and Social History. Click Save button to update the entries.

Medical History

Individual medical encounters are marked by discrete summations of a patient's medical history by a physician. Each encounter will generally contain the following aspects like Ongoing medical problems and treatments, Major events, hospitalizations, surgeries under gone, drug allergies, immunizations, and medications done previously are noted here.

Update Record

To add Medical History, Select a Patient Record >> Patient History >> Medical History. Record Past Medical History, Ongoing Medical Problems, Drug Allergies, Immunizations and Medications. Click Save button to update the entries.