How to add a Waiting List?

To add an entry, Click Create button in the top right corner. Select Patient Name, Choose Doctor, Select Date waiting from, Choose Waiting For, location which are required to save the Waiting List and click Save button to add the record to Waiting List.

How to edit a Waiting List?

To edit the Waiting List, find the record from the list, select the record and choose edit icon or double click the record. You will see the same screen as Add Waiting List and edit any of the fields and click Save to save changes.

How to export a Waiting List?

To export the waiting list records of the patients, click export tab from the actions menu and the waiting list records gets opened in excel sheet.

How to Delete a Waiting List?

Select the record and choose Delete icon, a window pop-ups prompting whether to delete the entry. Click OK to delete the record.

How to Schedule Appointment/Surgery?

Select a patient, click on Schedule tab from the actions menu roll out, a pop-up window opens based on the waiting list type(appointment/surgery). Enter the details and schedule the appointment or surgery.